Get Weed Out of your System Naturally

The Best Way to Get weed out of your system is ,obviously, to keep it Out.

The Big Question:How Can i Get Weed out of my system?

How Can I get weed out of my system ? I get to hear people ask that question almost every other day.
Good thing is, it can actually be done. But with the tonne of purported ways of doing this it becomes unlikely
finding something that actually works for Weed Detoxing.

Someone asked this question on a Forum i was very active with some years ago. Suggestions poured in, and that was all they were suggestions,period. Some were outright ridiculous, others were coming from some intelligence. But No guarantees,none.

The Question:
How do you get weed out of your system for a drug test?

Answers 1:
You are SOL. Depending on how long you have been smoking, you are not going to pass. THC is stored in fat cells in the body. Your body is always purging itself of toxins through urine. Sorry Bud

Answer 2:
It takes 30 days to get it out of your system.
Sometimes less.
Drink TONS and TONS of water. You cant do that much. Just pray that it worked dude 

Answer 3:
try some cleansing herbal pills. Reclense. It could take up to a Month. Try cranberry juice too, good for the kidneys, might speed it up. Good luck with that! lol (the Cranberry juice; it seems like the first thing you 're told)

Someone Who Truly Knows how to get Weed out of your System

The Fellow(OP) got these replies and much more, the thing is, answers are not to different when you scour the web for more.

But Fortunately. I stumbled across One fellow that Seemed to Know what he was saying; OddBob, also on a detox forum.

The Question:
how do you get thc out of your system?

Best Answer:
Most THC is out of your system in 5 days. Can take a month to be below detectable level. THC accumulates in fatty tissues. Exercising helps use up those fatty tissues and expel THC remnants.
Drink plenty of water but not too much (you can die from water poisoning). - I didn't even know that

Then if i cared to read he provided me with valuable references form Center of disease control & prevention and the Druglibrary, care to read?

A few Years passed till i spoke with Bob again and found he has busy making good an Ebook Business. And in his store an ebook on How to detox weed Naturally!

If people are 'serious' enough to get high days before they go for a test, then they should be serious enough to pay for a Solution!